
Essenziale is a project born in September 2016.

Since then, we have interpreted ourselves in various forms

From street food to pop-up events, through fine dining.

We have collaborated with grandmothers, chefs, and producers,

learning a lot about ourselves and our customers.


On August 6, 2024, Essenziale will close forever.

We will host chefs, friends, producers, actors and musicians.

We look forward to seeing you for a final farewell.

Book a table

or call us at +39.055.2476956

We are open from Thursday to Tuesday for Dinner


“When the order for transfer arrives, the warrior looks at all the friends he has made along the way. To some he has taught to hear the bells of a submerged temple, to others he has told stories around the fire. His heart is saddened, but he knows that his sword is sacred, and that he must obey the orders of the One to whom he has offered his struggle. Then the warrior of the light thanks his companions, takes a deep breath, and moves on, carrying with him the memories of an unforgettable journey.”

-P. Cohelo-

“To complicate is simple, to simplify is complicated. Everybody is able to complicate. Only a few can simplify.
To simplify you need to take out, but to take out you need to know what to take out.”

-Bruno Munari-

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